Augmented Reality Takes Over

Augmented Reality Takes Over

Far gone are the days of Photon and Lazer Tag. Augmented reality and drone technology marry in what can only be described as an impressive example of what’s possible when two next gen technologies conjoin.

The AR Drone, brought to you by Parrot, is the first real life outdoor quadricopter controlled by downloading a free app for your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad (soon to be made available on other platforms as well).

Able to “see what the drone sees” through an onboard camera, the drone relays live streaming video back to the iPhone. Combatants use the touch screen to navigate the drone through real time and space engaging fellow combatants along the way. Similar to Photon and its cousin Lazer Tag from the 1980’s, the AR Drone uses infra-red technology to dish out as well as receive enemy fire.

This “flying video game” provides users with an experience similar to none. Using WI-FI, the AR drone bridges the gap between multi-media online gaming, mobile/drone technology, and good ole’ fashion outdoor horseplay.

In an age where parents have nearly given up on their couch potato kids’ love affair with their video gaming consoles, this is one that actually gets you out of the house!

I’m not sure if this is what the Govenator meant when he said “I’ll-be-back”, none the less this is a product that Skynet and the rest of the Terminator franchise would all be proud of, the end of life, correction “gaming” as we know it.

For all your augmented reality needs contact marketing communication and AR professionals Inflexion Interactive. We’d be more than happy to assist you in your quest for global domination.

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The Webby Awards

Inflexion Interactive has been recognized by the Webby Awards as an Official Honoree for our work with D'Angelico Guitars and the Theatre Development Fund.

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