The right words sell. The best pictures are worth a thousand words. Truthful videos capture the essence of your brand. The best multimedia content won’t work, though, if no one is able to experience it. Content may be king (or queen), but it can be a royal pain in the butt if you don’t make space for it in your responsive website redesign.
When designing responsive websites, our team considers the role and the potential impact of content. Content is our guide, and we use it to help you communicate your brand story that is just as impactful on a smartphone screen as it is on a HDTV display.
How do you include everything on the latest device, yet keep it clean and precise?
With visitor-defined font sizes and a broad range of visitor expectations, it takes careful attention to plan content that’s best suited and optimized for your responsive website.
While you may not always want to include everything within the smaller breakpoints of your responsive website, access to detailed content can be handy. That’s possible with an emphasis on content strategy, which includes determining an appropriate hierarchy of displayed content and prototyping to ensure the content is positioned for success.
When implementing content strategy for your responsive website design, we consider:
- Everything for everybody. That doesn’t necessarily mean putting the smallest details on each page, but rather a thorough assessment of what your visitors want, how we’ll need to organize each breakpoint and, most critically, how that’ll look on any device.
- Content first. The right time for content strategy occurs in combination with information architecture (IA), user experience (UX) and website analysis. Just like other key planning components, content strategy ensures the best responsive site.
- Content performance. Whether visitors arrive by smartphones, tablets or desktops, content can be accessible, actionable and sharable. When making content a key part of your responsive website redesign, make interaction with content an effortless act.
It’s about more than what you want to say, it’s about what you want your visitors to do.
As your responsive website design and development company, we help you prepare for the unexpected. While we can’t fully predict the specific devices your visitors will pick up and use to browse the web two years from now, we can certainly make sure that the words, images and videos convert well within any margin and any media query.
Do your visitors want more from your current website? Let’s plan something better.