Meet Elizabeth (or EB, as we call her). She’s our happiness guru (and rockstar Business Development Director). She’s done more to-date, than many will accomplish in their entire career—and she’s not slowing down now! EB brought 15 awesome TEDx events to Hoboken, NJ, was named the first-ever Hoboken Woman in Business of the Year, she’s rappelled down from the 10th floor of a London building (when most people go to London to shop or see the sites), cliff dove with the seals in Wales, and also had time to become Chair of the Hoboken Women in Business Council. When Elizabeth talks, we listen (and you might want to as well).
What is greatness to EB? Here are some of her thoughts:
Greatness means living a life you LOVE. I mean, you absolutely love. Doing everything that you want to do and loving what you
do for a living. It’s being around amazing people, keeping inspired and motivated, feeling gratitude every day, and being in the present moment in good times and in times of obstacles so that you can master the art of getting through anything. Greatness is living your truth, exceeding your goals and being the best person you can be, learning with each step and growing from each experience.
What are some values of Inflexion that matter to you? How do these affect the work you do?
Everyone works diligently, especially Scott (Inflexion’s Manager Partner). I love that he works hard and has so much experience that I can learn from. I worked for myself for 9 years and I always yearned for additional motivation, learning and mastery. It’s nice to be able to have that around when I want it.
I also like the casual atmosphere. I would never be able to work in a cubicle in a corporate environment. I love the fact that we can have a drink if we want, have dogs, laugh out loud, say funny things and truly are one big family here. That means the world to me. I want to flourish here not only for myself, but for my team. The people and the environment make me want to run to work everyday, come in an hour early and stay late. It’s not work when you love what you do. And that I do. And our view of the NYC skyline isn’t so bad either. I have gratitude for all of it each and every day.
Do you have a mantra you live by? What is it and why do you use it?
I usually live by all the mantras that Wayne Dyer talks about. He teaches us to stay in the present moment. I love his work so much—I even read a chapter on greatness to the entire team one day!
I also take to heart mantras from yoga, such as, “If you fall, it’s ok. You’re gonna fall in life. The more you can ease your way into falling and getting back into the game, the better you will be.” That stuff really drives my soul. Learning to be calm in situations and to control your thoughts is important so that you can remain in a great state of mind in all of life’s moments.
How do you make the world a better place?
By giving my spirit and my positive energy to those around me. I have this innate quality of just being happy. I do LOVE LIFE! Smiling and laughing can make the world a better place. So many of us are fighting battles none of the others even know about. Making people smile and laugh is a way of brightening a room or sharing love that others may need secretly.
That’s our EB! Making the world a better place one smile at a time. She’s the type of person you can’t be in a bad mood around. You just can’t. She makes you want to be better. And the thing is, that’s what she really wants for you. Whether it’s personal success, professional success, or brand success—she’s in your corner. And believe me, you’re lucky to have her there!