HTML 5 improves the way web developers utilize web technologies that let you do more online. In this blog post, let’s cover a few applications that boost the power of HTML 5…
Graphics. Using SVG, HTML 5 offers a way to make graphics an intrinsic part of the web without using complex coding trickery. Choosing and embedding audio, video, custom fonts and scalable images are now possible. Best of all, these scalable images—thanks to SVG—look just as great on a 28” screen as they do on an iPhone. Another open-source application, Canvas, helps web developers build websites that incorporate complex animation, such as virtual tours and keyboard-enhanced online games.
Geolocation. The latest web browsers—including the latest version of Safari for the iPhone—are location enabled. Location API interprets visitor location to help you improve client relationship management, social apps, ads and games using augmented reality.
Storage. As The Google Code Channel on YouTube states, “Web apps need to work everywhere.” In response to this need, both HTML 5 database and web app cache work together to provide improved offline access. This yields an easier and more accessible way for visitors to interact with your user interface, your business and your brand.
Speed. HTML5 adds native support for multimedia without the need for third party plug-ins or APIs. What this means to you is increased performance, quality and support for most web browsers. You may want to follow the debate about Flash vs. HTML5-based performance.
Today’s web developers have stressed that there are many different platforms on the web that you must account for—IOS, web, mobile and social. How can HTML5 further enhance our reach and do so at a lower cost to you? How can HTML5 be leveraged as a means to not have to build an app multiple times, instead of using integrative code?
This is what our web developers are exploring: How HTML5 improves the web development process to help you save time and money. Want to learn more? Talk to us.