Let’s just say this isn’t your parents’ dial up.
The world wide web is a little over 25 years old. In that time over 3 BILLION people have gained access to the internet (that’s roughly 50% of the world’s population) and the numbers keep growing at insane rates. In 2014 alone half a billion (yes, BILLION) people gained internet access. And today in the US, 80% of the country is connected. So what does this all mean to you?
Companies, colleges, healthcare institutions, banks, basically everyone, need to be thinking about how to connect with their audiences in a digital world. If you’re not considering a digital and mobile strategy then you’re missing out on an enormous opportunity.
However, to do this you need to be familiar with how people use the internet today. It may sound trivial, but internet habits in 2015 are very different from what they were even 10 years ago. A smart marketer needs to know these habits through and through in order to see results. The nitty-gritty tactics obviously differ based on industry, target audience, overall goals, etc. but understanding when, where, how and why people are logging on is crucial.
Two of today’s biggest habits are mobile devices and social media. Did you know 83% of global internet users said they would rather use their mobile device than a desktop to connect? Or that there are 2 billion (yes billion with a “B” again!) active social media accounts? Those are some big numbers that would greatly affect anyone’s digital marketing strategy.
Check out our infographic below to see just how many people are connected. Warning: the numbers may shock you.
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INFOGRAPHIC: Do You Know Where Gen Z is Online?