Mobile App Considerations for Retailers

Mobile App Considerations for Retailers

“Ecommerce brought the store to the Web, and mobile brings the Web to the store.”        —Gibu Thomas, Senior Vice President of Mobile and Digital, Walmart

Mobile Commerce Awards recently awarded Walmart as Mobile Retailer of the Year for its work streamlining a complete mobile shopping experience. This includes the Store Mode mobile app, an in-store detector that lets customers list, scan, save money and compare products by using their smartphones. Plus they can manage self-checkout.

graphic_appsHere are some ways Walmart has become this year’s mobile leader among large retailers. They advertise to drive mobile traffic both to the store and to the website. The brand uses augmented reality to turn shopping into a scavenger hunt, which also aptly promotes Disney’s The Avengers. Walmart proves that exploring multiple marketing channels with multiple conversion metrics is key to creating their mobile-first strategy.

How can you optimize your retail-focused mobile app to enhance brand experiences?

Beyond strategies for building the most user-friendly interface and getting the best customer reviews, there is a lot more you can do to strengthen your retail-focused mobile app. First, of course, you must identify what your customers need most today. Things may have changed since you launched your mobile app. So check in and listen. You achieve this by gathering the right data, analyzing results and adjusting accordingly.

Once you delve into customer behavior, you can decide what’s best for your business.

Whether you add product-scanning functionality or augmented reality to your mobile app, you have the ability to send your customers to your store, your site or your promo.
With multiple channels to consider, you can benefit from a well-rounded approach. You don’t want the website competing with in-store displays or emails. You need integrated ways to bring people to you—starting from wherever they choose to engage your brand.

Take time to consider your current mobile app. What’s working? What needs to change? Do you know what your customers want to do now? Do you know what they need most?

Let’s talk about specific ways to enhance your retail mobile app.

The Webby Awards

Inflexion Interactive has been recognized by the Webby Awards as an Official Honoree for our work with D'Angelico Guitars and the Theatre Development Fund.

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