We’re excited to share all the reasons we think Inflexion is great, but we’re also stoked to take a look at what other companies are doing that make them great. (And we also want to talk to you about how we can work together to make your brand great…but that’s a conversation for Joe and Elizabeth, so give them a call!)
Inspiration is all around us—all the time. As a creative agency, we’re constantly looking for things that get us excited and keep us thinking outside the box. To get a sense of what inspires everyone at Inflexion, we asked them! (Crazy inventive, right?) We asked who embodies “greatness”—and time and time again, people said “Apple.” With the product launch of the iPhone 6 (and possibly the iWatch), it seemed timely to give them a tip of the hat.
So what makes Apple so great? Well, there are plenty of articles devoted to Apple and what makes it a successful company, but we tended to focus on three attributes that we think make Apple a great company.
Account Executive Elizabeth appreciates Apple’s fresh approach to design and how they use stunning imagery to communicate their message and philosophy. Beyond being known for clean lines and great use of white space, what makes Apple’s message special is that the “less is more” approach says so much about the company’s philosophy and products; people want simplicity and ease of use. Being able to communicate in a manner that is clear and uncomplicated makes for great work.
With the “Think Different” campaign, Apple made a splash as a company that thinks outside the box. What’s more, Apple continues to innovate 15 years after the launch of the “Think Different” campaign. Inflexion’s Executive Creative Director Kevin recognizes that Apple is a company that “thrives to ‘Think Different.’ They keep pushing the envelope in technology and innovation.” It’s clear that Apple is a company that practices what it preaches and is not afraid to take risks for the sake of doing extraordinary things, and we think that’s great.
Apple’s success as an industry leader has inspired others looking to integrate innovation into their own business culture. But Apple has successfully gone above and beyond to inspire their core audience, which is exhibited in nearly everything they do. Inflexion’s Vice President Vincent named Steve Jobs as an inspiring figure for “his philosophy of design and product development.” The ability to inspire is always a great thing.
So, there are a few of our thoughts, but we want to hear from you too! Join our #recognizegreatness conversation. What do you think makes Apple a great company? How are you inspired by Apple?