At Inflexion Interactive, we love to run. Scott, Vince, Susi and the rest of the team enjoy runs along Hudson River Waterfront Walkway or around JFK Field. Vince even ran The ING New York City Marathon back in 2009. All of us are known to keep track of speed, distance and heart rate by using wearable tech, such as watches and pedometers. Is the next big thing to help us step up our workouts going to be a smart pair of socks?
Heapsylon created Sensoria, a sock that keeps track of how well you step. This is exciting. I’m sure we can all use a little help where the running shoe meets the road.
No matter what wearable tech gear may tempt us in 2013, it will last if it’s something that can enhance what we already love to do. From a sock’s gait-analysis functionality to Google Glass helping us get back to our internal meeting on time, wearable technology will undoubtedly bring about a whole new way of taking on daily life.
What does wearable technology mean to your businesses? Before exploring the potential of targeting wearable tech gear for your business—plus how your business may participate—you can determine if wearable technology appeals to your customers. Would they use Google Glass to reach you? Are they excited about Apple’s smart watch? What can they afford? What can they use? How will that enhance daily life?
As you question whether wearable technology will bring the next prized go-to device(s) for your customers, you may want to keep privacy, social and ethical concerns in mind. Permission-based interaction can help you make sense of data, market to customers and even enhance lives, but only if your business and customer relationships are good.
If your customers are keen to try wearable tech gear, how can you strengthen your brand presence? In other words, how can you get up close with your customers?
Nike FuelBand is wearable tech gear that keeps it simple with a sports-tested accelerometer that tracks activity. It helps us set goals, track progress and even challenge each other to keep moving. Nike’s device helps the Inflexion Interactive team monitor our runs, too. It’s technology like this that’s already shaping the way we do more each day, and our run-happy team is downright excited about what’s around the corner.