Two weeks ago I got a call from Scott Delea, fearless leader of Inflexion Interactive, “Stop by for a meeting tomorrow at 8 a.m. We’re launching a campaign in two weeks and I think you could help.”
Launching a major campaign in two weeks? It seemed like a whole lot of insanity, but hey, I’m always up for a challenge. This was the first for the agency, so it was kind of a big deal. I walked into the studio as Kevin, Executive Creative Director, was watering the plants. “I swear it’s not beer,” he said and walked away.
You can tell a lot about people and a place instantly. I was already in love. Maybe it was the incredible view of the city, maybe it was Kevin’s humor, maybe it was because I had been freelancing out of my kitchen for four months and needed to do something else, but whatever it was, the meeting that followed solidified it.
The team’s energy, the ideas, and the way I hadn’t been hired yet and was already assigned work to do—their excitement was infectious. They had just gotten back from a company retreat and it was clear they were prepared to turn everything they touched into gold.
The campaign idea was great. Literally. The plan was to introduce everyone to the people of Inflexion and how they are…great. A lot of agencies make promises and award-winning designs, but not a lot of agencies have a team that consists of the belly flop champion of 1992, 2012 Woman in Business of the Year, and a guy who wears tutus around the office just to see if anyone will notice.
The people of Inflexion are entrepreneurs, they’re brilliant and creative, and they think in surprising ways that drive impressive results. But the campaign is more than that. They want to get to know you too. What is greatness to you? What makes your brand great? Who do you think has changed the world? What are examples of great advertising?
I was ready to start working with them before Scott even told me what he was going to pay me. I wanted to be a rock star too. I wanted to be great.
So we went to work.